AFRY Analytics Capture – Free Online Tool to Calculate Wind and Solar Site-Specific Revenues
AFRY Analytics Capture is an easy-to-use and flexible online tool for calculating site-specific revenue projections for solar, onshore and offshore wind in all of AFRY’s markets globally.
This tool allows you, the user, to quickly carry out multiple detailed renewable asset valuations, choose the most profitable technical set-up, assess multiple sites or examine the value of an entire portfolio – all from your own computer and backed by the same methodologies and processes used by AFRY for valuations and transactions. It also enables you to quickly and easily compare multiple quarterly releases from AFRY (where subscribed) to see how our projections affect your assets and update your financial models regularly and simply. Best of all, it gives you more accurate results than just using a market-wide view.
Join us as we release the latest iteration of this powerful tool, with the ability for all clients to obtain free access to a trial version of this product.