GB load loss on 9 August 2019
On 9th August, from around 4:54 pm, there were power cuts in Great Britain, affecting around 1GW (5%) of demand.
This loss of load was the automated response to a low frequency incident (in which the system frequency fell to 48.9Hz or less), as a consequence of the near simultaneous tripping of two power stations, and around 500MW of embedded generation, “each associated with” (according to National Grid ESO) a significant lightning strike on a transmission circuit.
This note External link. contains further details on the cause of the power cuts, how this links to the changing generation mix, outstanding questions, and background material on frequency response.
For questions on this event and its implications please contact Matthew Hanson.
For queries relating to revenue projections for batteries and other sources of flexibility in GB please contact Andy Houston or Sarah Elias, or for similar enquiries for other markets please contact the person listed in the brochure for the relevant market reports on the Pöyry Independent Market Reports webpage External link..