HVDC and FACTS: Enablers for the Clean Energy Transition
As part of the clean energy transition, the integration of large amounts of variable renewable energy sources poses fundamental challenges, especially with a more complex cyber-physical system emerging. Different challenges drive the need for advanced technology solutions like HVDC and FACTS, while advancement in these technologies make them more viable today. However, the extensive deployment of DC links and hybrid AC/DC grids is an innovation challenge that requires the implementation of advanced solutions and methods.
This webinar, moderated by Mustafa Ibrahim (AFRY Energy Division), presents the challenges to the operation, investments, and governance of the electricity market. Results from research projects along with the vision for the European power system in the coming 10 years were presented. The speakers also demonstrate the role of HVDC and FACTS devices in the latest ENTSO-E Research, Development, and Innovation Roadmap 2020-2030. Magnus Olofsson (Downing Hydro), Íris Baldursdóttir (ENTSO-E), Stephen Woodhouse (AFRY Management Consulting), and Gabriel Olguin (AFRY Energy Division) discuss the following subjects:
- Challenges facing the power grid by renewable energy integration.
- The roadmap towards a successful energy transition.
- Grid flexibility and electricity market design reform.
- Case Study: Kimal-Lo Aguirre HVDC project role in resolving challenges introduced from the clean energy perspective.
For more information, please contact Mustafa Ibrahim, Stephen Woodhouse, and Gabriel Olguin.